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What you need to know about your lashes 

Eyelash extensions are single strands of synthetic or mink eyelashes which are perfectly curved to replicate your natural lashes. They will provide length and thickness to your natural lashes and are available in variety of styles.

The extensions are applied as individual eyelashes, one lash at a time.
The results are thicker, longer, eye-opening lashes that are safe in the shower, while swimming, sleeping or exercising.  Eyelash extensions are perfect for everyday wear as well as special occasions.

Please arrive with CLEAN lashes, no make-up or mascara!

How Long Does An Appointment Take?
The initial application process for your extensions normally takes between 1-2 hours.

During the application you lay comfortably on your back with your eyes closed. Then I will carefully apply each extension individually on a lash by lash basis. After the process is completed we will go over maintenance tips and schedule your touch up session.

How Long do the extensions Last?
The extensions are applied one at a time with specially formulated semi-permanent adhesive. Everyone’s experience will differ based on your day to day activities but normally fill in touch ups should only be needed every 2 to 3 weeks.  A special waterproof bonding agent is used with professional adhesive to ensure you can do you normal activities like shower and swim once it has set. Our adhesive is formulated to not irritate your skin and will not damage your natural lashes.

How Often Should I Get Touch Ups?
I recommend getting touch ups on your eyelash extensions to keep them looking luscious every 2 to 3 weeks.  This will maintain the full look you desire as your natural eyelashes fall off every 45 to 60 days due to the natural growth cycle.  Other activities such as exposure to steam, exercise or touching your eyes a lot can affect how often touch ups are needed.  Touch up sessions typically take about 45mins or longer.


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